Monday, June 11, 2007

k...beyond jobless! :)

You Are 92% Tortured Genius

You totally fit the profile of a tortured genius. You're uniquely brilliant - and completely misunderstood.
Not like you really want anyone to understand you anyway. You're pretty happy being an island.

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage pessimistically. You don't think happy marriages exist anymore.

In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.

You Are 80% Misanthropic

Here's the truth: Most people suck. You are just lucky enough to know it.
You're not ready to go live alone in a cave - but you're getting there.

You Are 72% Feminine, 28% Masculine

You are in touch with your feminine side.

Sensitive, intuitive, and caring are all words that describe you.

And you're just masculine enough to relate to both men and women.

You True Love Will Maybe Find You

But it's going to be tough! You're not really around to find.
You really need to get yourself out there if you're expecting to find love.
Go somewhere (anywhere!) new from time to time.
Or if you're really shy - at least join a dating site.

Your Sloth Quotient: 80%

You're a pretty lazy person, and you relish in your own sloth.
While being lazy does feel good, you're missing out on the really good parts of life that take a little work.

You Are Best Described By...

Impression, Sunrise
By Claude Monet

You are 60% Taurus

even more jobless!

Your Career Personality: Flexible, Good-Natured, and Energetic

Your Ideal Careers:

Dog walker
Elementary school teacher
Fashion designer
Interior decorator
Personal shopper
Wedding planner

You Belong in Paris

Stylish and expressive, you were meant for Paris.
The art, the fashion, the wine!
Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park...
You'll love living in the most chic place on earth.

Your Vocabulary Score: A

Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary!
You must be quite an erudite person.

You Should Get An All Over Tattoo

Outrageous and funky
Because you should never have to choose just one tattoo

You Are From Venus

You love all forms of beauty. You love dressing up and anything luxurious.
A social butterfly, you're incredibly popular and a great host.
You're known for your fairness and affection. And as a frind to all.
Careful though! You're desire to please may make you too willing to conform.
Be yourself. Focus on what matters to you. You'll be all the more popular for it.

You Belong in 1964

You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.

You are Agnostic

You're not sure if God exists, and you don't care.
For you, there's no true way to figure out the divine.
You rather focus on what you can control - your own life.
And you tend to resent when others "sell" religion to you.

jobless - or rather - ungainfully employed!

Your Career Type: Artistic

You are expressive, original, and independent.
Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.

You would make an excellent:

Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor
Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer
Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer
Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor

The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.

Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Gone With The Wind

"Great balls of fire. Don't bother me anymore, and don't call me sugar."

Your Mind is 95% Cluttered

Your mind is incredibly cluttered. You have so much going on in there, it's hard to think straight.
Consider talking to a therapist. It's a good idea to sort through your thoughts, if only to see which ones are worth hanging on to.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

random rant – and a tribute to dylan

what’s the point of Life
and who said there had to be a point
Life is a series of gloomy episodes
juxtaposed with brief glimpses of sunshine

I wonder what we are so busy trying to achieve
fame, notoriety, pleasure, affluence, happiness
when these are but transitory phases, at best mediocre
and always counterfeit
for every pinnacle of joy you conquer, there is an even higher peak of sadness

then why this mad urge to go on? And on and on
why are we so carefully preserving ourselves
when these hour-glass figures and macho muscles
will one day be ashes to ashes and dust to dust

at least if one could live with honesty, dignity
this miserable existence would somehow make sense,
to one who is so desperately trying to grasp a shard of clarity
in this miasma of hopelessness

I meet hypocrisy at every turn, in every face
a testimony to the futility of the ‘human cause’
judging by the way we treat animals, I know all is lost

but this random rant is neither here nor there
in this world of changing affiliations
where your heart becomes the biggest villain,
perhaps the only real hero is bob dylan

somewhere i have never traveled - e.e. cummings (umm...nice...)

somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which i cannot touch because they are too near

your slightest look will easily unclose me
though i have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skilfully, mysteriously)her first rose

or if your wish be to close me, i and
my life will shut very beautifully ,suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;
nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the color of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing

(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

Sunday, May 27, 2007

absur-ditty (the second)

Being single is no crime
’cept maybe all your poems rhyme
’cause you want each word to have a pair

You see, when the Maker’s Creation was through
All the best ingredients went into you
There were none left to make a fitting spare


I gave him my dil.
In an old mahogany frame
He kept on his window sill

Till it was consumed by a flame
For which his wife’s shrill
Tortured voice was to blame.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Ode to an Ugly Boy

Can somebody love an Ugly Boy
Can somebody love an Ugly Boy

When an Ugly Boy breaks his sister’s toy
When an Ugly Boy brings gloom to joy
When an Ugly Boy can’t gracefully dance
When an Ugly Boy has the loser’s stance

Is there someone there to give him another chance
Is there someone there to read his lonely glance

Can somebody love an Ugly Boy
Can somebody love an Ugly Boy

When an Ugly Boy is neither fat nor thin
When an Ugly Boy dribbles down his chin
When an Ugly Boy kicks his best friend’s shin
When an Ugly Boy makes his Momma’s head spin
Is there someone there who finds him cute
Is there someone there who doesn’t think he’s a brute

Can somebody love an Ugly Boy
Can somebody love an Ugly Boy

When an Ugly Boy learns to lie and steal
When an Ugly Boy starts to double deal
When an Ugly Boy stands up and fights
When an Ugly Boy asserts his rights
Is there someone there who sees a hero in him
Is there someone there who hears his cry within

Can somebody love an Ugly Boy
Can somebody love an Ugly Boy

When an Ugly Boy plucks his heart from the dust
When an Ugly Boy loses faith in trust
When an Ugly Boy does it all for love
When and Ugly Boy braves it all for love
When an Ugly Boy bows his head in shame
When an Ugly Boy breaks the rules of the game
When an Ugly Boy is neither meek nor commanding
When an Ugly Boy is the last one standing
Is there someone there who sheds a tear for him
Is there someone there to raise a cheer for him

Can somebody love an Ugly Boy
Can somebody love an Ugly Boy

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Pablo Neruda...does things to me

I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.

Write, for instance: "The night is full of stars,

and the stars, blue, shiver in the distance."

The night wind whirls in the sky and sings.

I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.

I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.

On nights like this, I held her in my arms.

I kissed her so many times under the infinite sky.

She loved me, sometimes I loved her.How could I not have loved her large, still eyes?

I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.

To think I don't have her. To feel that I've lost her.

To hear the immense night, more immense without her.

And the poem falls to the soul as dew to grass.

What does it matter that my love couldn't keep her.

The night is full of stars and she is not with me.

That's all. Far away, someone sings. Far away.

My soul is lost without her.

As if to bring her near, my eyes search for her.

My heart searches for her and she is not with me.

The same night that whitens the same trees.

We, we who were, we are the same no longer.

I no longer love her, true, but how much I loved her.

My voice searched the wind to touch her ear.

Someone else's. She will be someone else's. As she once belonged to my kisses.

Her voice, her light body. Her infinite eyes.

I no longer love her, true, but perhaps I love her.

Love is so short and oblivion so long.

Because on nights like this I held her in my arms,

my soul is lost without her.

Although this may be the last pain she causes me,

and this may be the last poem I write for her.

Pablo Neruda

Monday, April 23, 2007

Does Love Have To Be So ......

He talked of how crowded the bus had been that day,
But I could only remember us wedged together in that fray,
He talked of how cold the wind had blown,
But I could only recall alas! how swiftly the seconds had flown.
He talked of the delicacies we had eaten, how much they had cost,
But I could only think of that little cuff-link he had lost.
He talked of our shoes, how they had filled with grains of sand,
But I could only hear the chirpy sparrows and the merry little band.
For him the day had been dull and bleak and grim....
But for me it had meant twenty four heavenly hours spent with him.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


weirdest thing for me - i always kept safe from the public eye anything i wrote ('cpt show it to my mother or sister) and here i am blogging! well this blog's for me - i swear to feel no compulsion abt how, when and what to write in this - it will all be just as i like it - on my terms.
well my first post - a haiku. again breaking away from one of my rules - i hate things tht make u conform to rules chalked up by haiku rules :5-7-5 etc. however i hv attempted one and here it is for what it's worth:

bright red drop of blood
slightly shivering on a
dull white suicide note