Sunday, April 22, 2007


weirdest thing for me - i always kept safe from the public eye anything i wrote ('cpt show it to my mother or sister) and here i am blogging! well this blog's for me - i swear to feel no compulsion abt how, when and what to write in this - it will all be just as i like it - on my terms.
well my first post - a haiku. again breaking away from one of my rules - i hate things tht make u conform to rules chalked up by haiku rules :5-7-5 etc. however i hv attempted one and here it is for what it's worth:

bright red drop of blood
slightly shivering on a
dull white suicide note


Kabir said...

welcome to blogging sneha..thats a gud note to start with... happy blogging!

dolly said...

thnx kabir - my first 'comment' whuppeee...:) this is the hardest thing i've ever done in a long time n it feels fantastico...didn't realize i missed writing -even random rambling - so much...okie guess i'm gushing here...take care :)

Kabir said...

ur welcome girl! i know, its always gud to express urself on a matter how randomly it spits out... Keep it updated! will keep checkin... t c!

Anonymous said...

Boy!..... was that deep? or was that deep?? love ur style.... rustic... but love it.

DarlynnC said...

I like your style!!!